expanded Property

Expands/Collapses the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

Here the preview:


<DropdownListButton expanded={true}> 

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defaultExpanded Property

Defines the initial expanded state when the <DropdownListButton> is first loaded.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

onExpandedChange Property

Sets a callback function to be called when the user closes the <DropdownListButton>.

The callback function parameters:

  • event: ExpandedChangeEvent

orientation Property

Sets the orientation and the direction of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'inline-start'
  • 'inline-end'
  • 'block-start'
  • 'block-end'

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listOrientation Property

Sets the orientation of the internal <List> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton listOrientation='inline' />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton listComponent={
    <List orientation='inline' />
} />

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dropdownOrientation Property

Sets the orientation of the internal <Dropdown> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton dropdownOrientation='inline' />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton dropdownComponent={
    <Dropdown orientation='inline' />
} />

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lazy Property

Determines whenever the <DropdownListButton>'s children should be rendered or not when the <DropdownListButton expanded={false}>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • false
  • true

Floating Properties

Determines how the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton> should be floating on the <ToggleButton> of <DropdownListButton>.

floatingAutoFlip Property

Automatically flips the floatingPlacement to opposite direction when the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton> is about to be clipped.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

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floatingAutoShift Property

Automatically shifts the floatingPlacement to nearest safe position when the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton> is about to be clipped.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

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floatingOffset Property

The distance (in pixel) between the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton> and the <ToggleButton> of <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 0
  • positive number
  • negative number

Here the preview:


<DropdownListButton floatingOffset={0}>

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floatingShift Property

The distance (in pixel) between the <Dropdown> of <DropdownListButton> and the default floatingPlacement location.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 0
  • positive number
  • negative number

Here the preview:


<DropdownListButton floatingShift={0}>

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Variant Properties

The alternative appearances of the <DropdownListButton> layout without changing the <DropdownListButton>'s functionality.

size Property

Defines the alternative size of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'sm'
  • 'md'
  • 'lg'

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theme Property

Defines the contextual theme of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'primary'
  • 'secondary'
  • 'success'
  • 'info'
  • 'warning'
  • 'danger'
  • 'light'
  • 'dark'

Here the preview:


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gradient Property

Activates a 3D mode of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'inherit'
  • true
  • false

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outlined Property

Activates an outlined mode (background-less, contrast foreground, and contrast border) of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'inherit'
  • true
  • false

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mild Property

Activates a mild mode (mild background, contrast foreground, and contrast border) of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'inherit'
  • true
  • false

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State Properties

The conditions of the <DropdownListButton> behavior or functionality.

enabled Property

Defines the enabled/disabled state of the <DropdownListButton>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

Here the preview:


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inheritEnabled Property

Influences the <DropdownListButton>'s disabled state by <ancestor enabled={false}>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

Here the preview:


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Component Properties

Overwrites the internal (sub) components used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

buttonComponent Property

Overwrites the internal <Button> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton buttonComponent={
    <MyCustomButton />
} />

buttonRef Property

Gets the DOM reference of the internal <Button> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton buttonRef={fooButtonRef} />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton buttonComponent={
    <Button elmRef={fooButtonRef} />
} />

buttonOrientation Property

Sets the orientation of the internal <Button> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton buttonOrientation='inline' />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton buttonComponent={
    <Button orientation='inline' />
} />

buttonChildren Property

Defines the nested element of the internal <Button> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton buttonChildren={
    <span>Hello World</span>
} />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton buttonComponent={
        <span>Hello World</span>
} />

toggleButtonComponent Property

Overwrites the internal <ToggleButton> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton toggleButtonComponent={
    <MyCustomToggleButton />
} />

dropdownComponent Property

Overwrites the internal <Dropdown> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton dropdownComponent={
    <MyCustomDropdown />
} />

dropdownRef Property

Gets the DOM reference of the internal <Dropdown> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton dropdownRef={fooDropdownRef} />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton dropdownComponent={
    <Dropdown elmRef={fooDropdownRef} />
} />

listComponent Property

Overwrites the internal <List> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton listComponent={
    <MyCustomList />
} />

listRef Property

Gets the DOM reference of the internal <List> component used as the composition of <DropdownListButton> component.

<DropdownListButton listRef={fooListRef} />
is equivalent to:
<DropdownListButton listComponent={
    <List elmRef={fooListRef} />
} />