Installing <Navbar> Component

There are 2 ways to install <Navbar> component into your react app project:

  • Install the Specific Package of <Navbar> Component
  • Install the Whole Reusable-UI Component Pack, including the <Navbar> Component

Defines the Navbar-ed UI

The <Navbar> should have one render function to dynamically generate nested components based on <Navbar>'s state.

The render function will receive a props containing these properties:

  • basicVariantProps: BasicVariantProps
  • navbarExpanded: boolean

    The current [expanded] state of the <Navbar>.

  • listExpanded: boolean

    The current [expanded] state of the <Navbar>'s list.

  • toggleList: EventHandler<boolean|undefined>

    A callback function to toggle or set the [expanded] state of the <Navbar>'s list.

  • handleActiveChange: EventHandler<ActiveChangeEvent>

    A callback function to sync the [active] state to the [expanded] state of the <Navbar>'s list.

  • handleClickToToggleList: React.MouseEventHandler<Element>

    A callback function to handle click event from <HamburgerMenuButton> (or any clickable elements) to toggle the [expanded] state of the <Navbar>'s list.

    The event will automatically ignored if defaultPrevented === true and will automatically preventDefault() after the toggling state was performed.

Then the render function should return a JSX Element for displaying the desired components. See the code example below:

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expanded Property

Programatically controls the <Navbar> to show the expanded/collapsed mode.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • true
  • false

Here the preview:

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breakpoint Property

Statically defines the minimum width (as defined in breakpoints config) of the <Navbar> to responsively expand itself based on the available browser's width.

If not defined (or <Navbar breakpoint={undefined}>), the <Navbar> uses <ResponsiveProvider> to dynamically detect the occurrence of overflowed elements and determines the best widest mode without causing overflowed.

Variant Properties

The alternative appearances of the <Navbar> layout without changing the <Navbar>'s functionality.

theme Property

Defines the contextual theme of the <Navbar>.

The possible values are:

  • undefined
  • 'primary'
  • 'secondary'
  • 'success'
  • 'info'
  • 'warning'
  • 'danger'
  • 'light'
  • 'dark'

Here the preview:

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Component Properties

Overwrites the internal (sub) components used as the composition of <Navbar> component.

basicComponent Property

Overwrites the internal <Content> component used as the composition of <Navbar> component.

<Navbar basicComponent={
    <MyCustomContent />
} />


There are several variables of <Navbar> you can customize. Changing the variables affects all <Navbar> instance and other components that depend on <Navbar>.

Here the exposed variables:

  • Layouts
    • display

      The display mode of the <Navbar>.

      The default is grid but you can change to flex or whatever you want.

    • gridAutoFlow

      The placement of each items (logo, toggler, etc).

      The default is placed to the next column.

    • gridAutoColumns

      The width of each items (logo, toggler, etc) should take a space.

      The default is auto.

    • gridTemplateRows

      The placeholder of rows.

      The default is single row of 1fr.

    • justifyContent

      Specifies how the extra horizontal space should be distributed between the items (logo, toggler, etc).

      The default is space-between.

    • alignContent

      Specifies how the extra vertical space should be distributed between the items (logo, toggler, etc).

      The default is center.

    • justifyItems

      Specifies the default horizontal alignment for each items (logo, toggler, etc).

      The default is center.

    • alignItems

      Specifies the default vertical alignment for each items (logo, toggler, etc).

      The default is center.

  • Positions
    • zIndex

      Specifies the overlapping importance weight when the <Navbar> overlaps to another elements.

      The default is 1020.

    • position

      Specifies how the <Navbar> flows to the document.

      The default is sticky.

    • insetBlockStart

      Specifies where the <Navbar> should be sticky to the document.

      The default is 0px.

  • Sizes
    • boxSizing

      Specifies the measusing method of the <Navbar>'s size.

      The default is content-box (excluding the padding & borderWidth).

    • blockSize

      The height of the whole <Navbar>.

      The default is auto.

  • Backgrounds, Foregrounds, Borders, & Rings
    • borderWidth

      The thickness of border (stroke).

    • borderRadius

      The default rounded corner radius.

    • boxShadow

      The boxShadow to apply, so that the <Navbar> appears hovering on the top of content.

  • Spacings
    • paddingInline

      The inner spacing on the left & right of the <Navbar>.

    • paddingBlock

      The inner spacing on the top & bottom of the <Navbar>.

    • gapInline

      The horizontal spacing between the items (logo, toggler, etc).

    • gapBlock

      The vertical spacing between the items (logo, toggler, etc).

  • Lists
    • listGridArea

      Defines the gridArea of the <Navbar>'s list (the container of the <Nav> - responsible for showing/hidding the <Nav>) when on mobile mode.

      The default is 2/1/2/3, which means spanning from the logo to the toggler and placed at the second (implicit) row.

    • listGridAreaExpand

      Defines the gridArea of the <Navbar>'s list (the container of the <Nav>) when on desktop mode.

      The default is unset, which means placed as defined inside the <Navbar>.

    • listDisplay

      The display mode of the <Navbar>'s list.

      The default is flex but you can change to grid or whatever you want.

    • listFlexDirection

      The flex direction of the <Navbar>'s list when on mobile mode.

      The default is column.

    • listFlexDirectionExpand

      The flex direction of the <Navbar>'s list when on desktop mode.

      The default is row.

    • listJustifySelf

      Specifies the horizontal alignment of the <Navbar>'s list.

      The default is stretch.

    • listAlignSelf

      Specifies the vertical alignment of the <Navbar>'s list.

      The default is stretch.

    • listMarginInline

      The outer spacing on the left & right of the <Navbar>'s list when on mobile mode.

    • listMarginInlineExpand

      The outer spacing on the left & right of the <Navbar>'s list when on desktop mode.

    • listMarginBlock

      The outer spacing on the top & bottom of the <Navbar>'s list when on mobile mode.

    • listMarginBlockExpand

      The outer spacing on the top & bottom of the <Navbar>'s list when on desktop mode.

  • (floating) Lists
    • listPosition

      Specifies how the <Navbar>'s list flows to the document when on mobile mode.

      The default is absolute.

    • listPositionExpand

      Specifies how the <Navbar>'s list flows to the document when on desktop mode.

      The default is unset.

    • listInsetInline

      Specifies where the <Navbar>'s list should be positioned horizontally to the document when on mobile mode.

      The default is 0px.

    • listInsetInlineExpand

      Specifies where the <Navbar>'s list should be positioned horizontally to the document when on desktop mode.

      The default is unset.

    • listInsetBlockStart

      Specifies where the <Navbar>'s list should be top positioned to the document when on mobile mode.

      The default is 0px.

    • listInsetBlockStartExpand

      Specifies where the <Navbar>'s list should be top positioned to the document when on desktop mode.

      The default is unset.

  • Menus
    • menuDisplay

      The display mode of the <Navbar>'s menu (the clickable navigation).

      The default is flex but you can change to grid or whatever you want.

    • menuFlexDirection

      The flex direction of the <Navbar>'s menu.

      The default is row.

    • menuJustifyContent

      Specifies how the extra horizontal space should be distributed between the children of the <Navbar>'s menu.

      The default is center.

    • menuAlignItems

      Specifies the default vertical alignment for each child of the <Navbar>'s menu.

      The default is center.

    • menuFlexWrap

      Specifies whether the children of the <Navbar>'s menu can be forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines.

      The default is nowrap.

    • menuWhiteSpace

      Defines how a white space inside the child of the <Navbar>'s menu is handled.

The example of accessing, modifying, & adding variables:

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